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Discover The Enchanting Beauty Of This English Shrub Rose

Princess Anne Rose: A Fragrant and Charming Addition to Your Garden

Discover the Enchanting Beauty of this English Shrub Rose

Aromatic Delight

Prepare to be captivated by the delightfully scented Princess Anne rose, a creation by the renowned rose breeder David Austin. Its medium-strong tea rose fragrance will fill your garden with an alluring aroma, transporting you to a world of tranquility.

Exceptional Petals

The Princess Anne rose boasts unusually substantial petals that are rather narrow. Their distinctive undersides reveal a hint of yellow, adding a touch of cheerfulness to this already captivating bloom.

Compact and Upright

This charming rose forms a compact shrub, reaching around 1m in height. Its glossy foliage is held on upright stems, giving it a graceful and elegant appearance.

Easy to Grow

The Princess Anne rose is renowned for its ease of care, thriving in well-drained soil and partial shade. Whether you're a seasoned gardener or just starting out, this versatile rose is sure to impress.

Upcoming News Article

Stay tuned for our upcoming news article, where we will delve deeper into the enchanting story behind the Princess Anne rose. Discover its origins, growth habits, and tips for adding this fragrant beauty to your own garden paradise.
